Space (Traffic) Jam! [Beta 1.9]
← Return to Space (Traffic) Jam! [Beta 1.9]
- July 27, 2021 by fsesmajr#major-update, #pause-menu, #WASD, #difficulty, #balancing, #bug-fixes, #quality-of-lifeBeta 1.9 released! Major Updates - Players can now use WASD keys instead of arrow keys, the change reflects in real time within the user interface in both levels - Pause menu can now be accessed with... Continue reading
- June 15, 2021 by fsesmajr#major, #audio, #pause, #animations, #godotMajor Fixes: - Fixed major audio stuttering with the game in older Chromium/Edge browsers by changing audio mix rate to 48000 Hz and output latency to 250 in Godot. Minor Fixes: - Fixed small issues w... Continue reading
- May 21, 2021 by fsesmajr#pause menu, #music, #bugs, #visuals, #texturesPause Menu! Major Updates - Added a full pause menu within the game! From the pause menu, players have the options to mute/unmute music, restart the level, and return to the home screen. Players may p... Continue reading
- March 03, 2021 by fsesmajr#clipping, #restructure, #turn-based, #legacy, #bugs, #bug-fixesPatch Notes - Complete reorganization of the game's assets - Restructure of part of the game's turn-based code structure - Fixed all issues with texture clipping in both levels - Archived legacy versi... Continue reading
- February 10, 2021 by fsesmajr#game-breaking, #small, #bugPatch Notes - Fixed a game-breaking bug in level 2 triggered by the second random event... Continue reading
- January 27, 2021 by fsesmajr#music, #bugs, #signals, #user-interface, #clipping, #displayv1.4 Patch Notes - Fixed bug where multiple selection arrows were showing in the start menu - Rearranged UI in the start menu, added directions for user input - Added functionality for global music co... Continue reading
- December 28, 2020 by fsesmajr#music, #controller, #transitions, #animations, #start screenMinor Implementations - Created a global (singleton/autoload) music controller that can be accessed by any scene in the game - Thus, music will now continue playing when transitioning between the star... Continue reading
- December 14, 2020 by fsesmajr#bug_fixes, #popups, #textures, #glitches, #clippingGeneral Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue with arrow key animations in the Space level - Fixed issues with popups not showing on proper conditions in both levels - Resized and moved popup windows for visual... Continue reading
- November 16, 2020 by fsesmajr#arrow_keys, #isometric, #bug_fixes, #implementationImplementation - Added popups to Level 2 - Changed arrow keys on the user interface to have an isometric view General Bug Fixes - Fixed a bug that caused the win screen in Level 1 not to show... Continue reading
- November 15, 2020 by fsesmajr#launch, #beta, #early-accessBeta 1.0 of Space (Traffic) Jam released! Play the first level now... Continue reading