Beta 1.9 released!

Beta 1.9 released!

Major Updates

- Players can now use WASD keys instead of arrow keys, the change reflects in real time within the user interface in both levels

- Pause menu can now be accessed with the "Escape" key

- Players can now return to the start screen, replay the first level, or go to the second level right after completing level one. Players can now replay the second level or return to the start menu after completion.

- Removed a piece of debris in high earth orbit on level 2 to decrease difficulty

- Added explosion animations to level two so that players can more easily see where their spacecraft collided and ended the game. This coincides with a a delay in the game over screen.

Major Fixes

- Fixed an issue with resolution that caused players to have to zoom out on browsers to see the game entirely

- Made popups more transparent so that parts of the map are not obstructed from view

Minor Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug that prevented the delivery truck from seeing its destination on the first turn

- Fixed a bug that showed multiple arrows in the start menu

- Fixed a bug that stopped users from leaving the credits screen

- Fixed a bug that made a single spacecraft move count for two turns

- Fixed a bug that did not register spacecraft colliding with the same debris that the ClearSpace One must retrieve

- Fixed a bug that caused Terra to suffer a collision AFTER debris moved out of its way

Note: Parts of this build's space level are still unstable. If for some reason, a bug inhibits you from completing the level, press 'Escape' and restart. These issues are being fixed ASAP and a stable 1.9.1 build will be released by August.


STJ Beta Play in browser
Jul 27, 2021