Beta 1.4 released!

v1.4 Patch Notes

- Fixed bug where multiple selection arrows were showing in the start menu

- Rearranged UI in the start menu, added directions for user input

- Added functionality for global music controller to change to level-specific

- Added color to some elements of UI to clarity

- Restructured "Credits" to be controlled by BBCode to add color to text

- Fixed bug that would restart Level 1 before a collision occurred

- Fixed a game-breaking bug where the final car in the queue would
break through collision zones

- Fixed an issue with display upon arriving at a rockfall

- Fixed various issues with clipping and z-indexing

- Fixed popup signal connections

The next patch will finish implementation of a pause menu connected to the global music controller. This patch will be released next week.


STJ Beta Play in browser
Jan 27, 2021